- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Http
- Subpackage
- UserAgent
- Implements
- Children
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Bot
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Probe
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Text
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Feed
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Desktop
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Spam
- \Zend_Http_UserAgent_Mobile
- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License

array $_images = array('jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pjpeg', 'x-png', 'bmp')
array('jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pjpeg', 'x-png', 'bmp')
Details- Type
- array

__construct(null | string | array $userAgent = null, array $server = array(), array $config = array()) : void
Name | Type | Description |
$userAgent | null | string | array | If array, restores from serialized version |
$server | array | |
$config | array |

_getDefaultFeatures() : void
Sets all the standard features extracted from the User Agent chain and $this->_server vars

_loadFeaturesAdapter() : array
Loads the Features Adapter if it's defined in the $config array Otherwise, nothing is done
Type | Description |
array |

_matchAgentAgainstSignatures(string $userAgent, array $signatures) : bool
Match a user agent string against a list of signatures
Name | Type | Description |
$userAgent | string | |
$signatures | array |
Type | Description |
bool |

_restoreFromArray(array $spec) : void
Restore object state from array
Name | Type | Description |
$spec | array |

extractFromUserAgent(string $userAgent) : array
Extract and sets informations from the User Agent chain
Name | Type | Description |
$userAgent | string | User Agent chain |
Type | Description |
array |

getFeature(string $feature) : string | null
Gets the value of the current browser/device feature
Name | Type | Description |
$feature | string | Feature to search |
Type | Description |
string | null |

getGroup(string $group) : array
Gets an array of features associated to a group
Name | Type | Description |
$group | string | Group param |
Type | Description |
array |

hasFeature(string $feature) : bool
Check a feature for the current browser/device.
Name | Type | Description |
$feature | string | The feature to check. |
Type | Description |
bool |

hasPhoneNumber() : bool
Does the device have a phone number associated with it?
Type | Description |
bool |

setFeature(string $feature, string $value = false, string $group = '') : \Zend_Http_UserAgent_AbstractDevice
Set a feature for the current browser/device.
Name | Type | Description |
$feature | string | The feature to set. |
$value | string | (option) feature value. |
$group | string | (option) Group to associate with the feature |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Http_UserAgent_AbstractDevice |

setGroup(string $group, string $feature) : \Zend_Http_UserAgent_AbstractDevice
Affects a feature to a group
Name | Type | Description |
$group | string | Group name |
$feature | string | Feature name |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Http_UserAgent_AbstractDevice |