- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Locale
- Version
- $Id$
- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
- License
- New BSD License

string $_default = array('en' => true)
array('en' => true)
Details- Type
- string

array $_localeData = array('root' => true, 'aa_DJ' => true, 'aa_ER' => true, 'aa_ET' => true, 'aa' => true, 'af_NA' => true, 'af_ZA' => true, 'af' => true, 'agq_CM' => true, 'agq' => true, 'ak_GH' => true, 'ak' => true, 'am_ET' => true, 'am' => true, 'ar_001' => true, 'ar_AE' => true, 'ar_BH' => true, 'ar_DJ' => true, 'ar_DZ' => true, 'ar_EG' => true, 'ar_EH' => true, 'ar_ER' => true, 'ar_IL' => true, 'ar_IQ' => true, 'ar_JO' => true, 'ar_KM' => true, 'ar_KW' => true, 'ar_LB' => true, 'ar_LY' => true, 'ar_MA' => true, 'ar_MR' => true, 'ar_OM' => true, 'ar_PS' => true, 'ar_QA' => true, 'ar_SA' => true, 'ar_SD' => true, 'ar_SO' => true, 'ar_SY' => true, 'ar_TD' => true, 'ar_TN' => true, 'ar_YE' => true, 'ar' => true, 'as_IN' => true, 'as' => true, 'asa_TZ' => true, 'asa' => true, 'ast_ES' => true, 'ast' => true, 'az_AZ' => true, 'az' => true, 'bas_CM' => true, 'bas' => true, 'be_BY' => true, 'be' => true, 'bem_ZM' => true, 'bem' => true, 'bez_TZ' => true, 'bez' => true, 'bg_BG' => true, 'bg' => true, 'bm_ML' => true, 'bm' => true, 'bn_BD' => true, 'bn_IN' => true, 'bn' => true, 'bo_CN' => true, 'bo_IN' => true, 'bo' => true, 'br_FR' => true, 'br' => true, 'brx_IN' => true, 'brx' => true, 'bs_BA' => true, 'bs' => true, 'byn_ER' => true, 'byn' => true, 'ca_AD' => true, 'ca_ES' => true, 'ca' => true, 'cgg_UG' => true, 'cgg' => true, 'chr_US' => true, 'chr' => true, 'cs_CZ' => true, 'cs' => true, 'cy_GB' => true, 'cy' => true, 'da_DK' => true, 'da' => true, 'dav_KE' => true, 'dav' => true, 'de_AT' => true, 'de_BE' => true, 'de_CH' => true, 'de_DE' => true, 'de_LI' => true, 'de_LU' => true, 'de' => true, 'dje_NE' => true, 'dje' => true, 'dua_CM' => true, 'dua' => true, 'dyo_SN' => true, 'dyo' => true, 'dz_BT' => true, 'dz' => true, 'ebu_KE' => true, 'ebu' => true, 'ee_GH' => true, 'ee_TG' => true, 'ee' => true, 'el_CY' => true, 'el_GR' => true, 'el' => true, 'en_150' => true, 'en_AG' => true, 'en_AS' => true, 'en_AU' => true, 'en_BB' => true, 'en_BE' => true, 'en_BM' => true, 'en_BS' => true, 'en_BW' => true, 'en_BZ' => true, 'en_CA' => true, 'en_CM' => true, 'en_DM' => true, 'en_FJ' => true, 'en_FM' => true, 'en_GB' => true, 'en_GD' => true, 'en_GG' => true, 'en_GH' => true, 'en_GI' => true, 'en_GM' => true, 'en_GU' => true, 'en_GY' => true, 'en_HK' => true, 'en_IE' => true, 'en_IM' => true, 'en_IN' => true, 'en_JE' => true, 'en_JM' => true, 'en_KE' => true, 'en_KI' => true, 'en_KN' => true, 'en_KY' => true, 'en_LC' => true, 'en_LR' => true, 'en_LS' => true, 'en_MG' => true, 'en_MH' => true, 'en_MP' => true, 'en_MT' => true, 'en_MU' => true, 'en_MW' => true, 'en_NA' => true, 'en_NG' => true, 'en_NZ' => true, 'en_PG' => true, 'en_PH' => true, 'en_PK' => true, 'en_PR' => true, 'en_PW' => true, 'en_SB' => true, 'en_SC' => true, 'en_SG' => true, 'en_SL' => true, 'en_SS' => true, 'en_SZ' => true, 'en_TC' => true, 'en_TO' => true, 'en_TT' => true, 'en_TZ' => true, 'en_UG' => true, 'en_UM' => true, 'en_US' => true, 'en_VC' => true, 'en_VG' => true, 'en_VI' => true, 'en_VU' => true, 'en_WS' => true, 'en_ZA' => true, 'en_ZM' => true, 'en_ZW' => true, 'en' => true, 'eo' => true, 'es_419' => true, 'es_AR' => true, 'es_BO' => true, 'es_CL' => true, 'es_CO' => true, 'es_CR' => true, 'es_CU' => true, 'es_DO' => true, 'es_EA' => true, 'es_EC' => true, 'es_ES' => true, 'es_GQ' => true, 'es_GT' => true, 'es_HN' => true, 'es_IC' => true, 'es_MX' => true, 'es_NI' => true, 'es_PA' => true, 'es_PE' => true, 'es_PH' => true, 'es_PR' => true, 'es_PY' => true, 'es_SV' => true, 'es_US' => true, 'es_UY' => true, 'es_VE' => true, 'es' => true, 'et_EE' => true, 'et' => true, 'eu_ES' => true, 'eu' => true, 'ewo_CM' => true, 'ewo' => true, 'fa_AF' => true, 'fa_IR' => true, 'fa' => true, 'ff_SN' => true, 'ff' => true, 'fi_FI' => true, 'fi' => true, 'fil_PH' => true, 'fil' => true, 'fo_FO' => true, 'fo' => true, 'fr_BE' => true, 'fr_BF' => true, 'fr_BI' => true, 'fr_BJ' => true, 'fr_BL' => true, 'fr_CA' => true, 'fr_CD' => true, 'fr_CF' => true, 'fr_CG' => true, 'fr_CH' => true, 'fr_CI' => true, 'fr_CM' => true, 'fr_DJ' => true, 'fr_DZ' => true, 'fr_FR' => true, 'fr_GA' => true, 'fr_GF' => true, 'fr_GN' => true, 'fr_GP' => true, 'fr_GQ' => true, 'fr_HT' => true, 'fr_KM' => true, 'fr_LU' => true, 'fr_MA' => true, 'fr_MC' => true, 'fr_MF' => true, 'fr_MG' => true, 'fr_ML' => true, 'fr_MQ' => true, 'fr_MR' => true, 'fr_MU' => true, 'fr_NC' => true, 'fr_NE' => true, 'fr_PF' => true, 'fr_RE' => true, 'fr_RW' => true, 'fr_SC' => true, 'fr_SN' => true, 'fr_SY' => true, 'fr_TD' => true, 'fr_TG' => true, 'fr_TN' => true, 'fr_VU' => true, 'fr_YT' => true, 'fr' => true, 'fur_IT' => true, 'fur' => true, 'ga_IE' => true, 'ga' => true, 'gd_GB' => true, 'gd' => true, 'gl_ES' => true, 'gl' => true, 'gsw_CH' => true, 'gsw' => true, 'gu_IN' => true, 'gu' => true, 'guz_KE' => true, 'guz' => true, 'gv' => true, 'ha_GH' => true, 'ha_NE' => true, 'ha_NG' => true, 'ha' => true, 'haw_US' => true, 'haw' => true, 'he_IL' => true, 'he' => true, 'hi_IN' => true, 'hi' => true, 'hr_BA' => true, 'hr_HR' => true, 'hr' => true, 'hu_HU' => true, 'hu' => true, 'hy_AM' => true, 'hy' => true, 'ia_FR' => true, 'ia' => true, 'id_ID' => true, 'id' => true, 'ig_NG' => true, 'ig' => true, 'ii_CN' => true, 'ii' => true, 'is_IS' => true, 'is' => true, 'it_CH' => true, 'it_IT' => true, 'it_SM' => true, 'it' => true, 'ja_JP' => true, 'ja' => true, 'jgo_CM' => true, 'jgo' => true, 'jmc_TZ' => true, 'jmc' => true, 'ka_GE' => true, 'ka' => true, 'kab_DZ' => true, 'kab' => true, 'kam_KE' => true, 'kam' => true, 'kde_TZ' => true, 'kde' => true, 'kea_CV' => true, 'kea' => true, 'khq_ML' => true, 'khq' => true, 'ki_KE' => true, 'ki' => true, 'kk_KZ' => true, 'kk' => true, 'kkj_CM' => true, 'kkj' => true, 'kl_GL' => true, 'kl' => true, 'kln_KE' => true, 'kln' => true, 'km_KH' => true, 'km' => true, 'kn_IN' => true, 'kn' => true, 'ko_KP' => true, 'ko_KR' => true, 'ko' => true, 'kok_IN' => true, 'kok' => true, 'ks_IN' => true, 'ks' => true, 'ksb_TZ' => true, 'ksb' => true, 'ksf_CM' => true, 'ksf' => true, 'ksh_DE' => true, 'ksh' => true, 'kw_GB' => true, 'kw' => true, 'ky' => true, 'lag_TZ' => true, 'lag' => true, 'lg_UG' => true, 'lg' => true, 'ln_AO' => true, 'ln_CD' => true, 'ln_CF' => true, 'ln_CG' => true, 'ln' => true, 'lo_LA' => true, 'lo' => true, 'lt_LT' => true, 'lt' => true, 'lu_CD' => true, 'lu' => true, 'luo_KE' => true, 'luo' => true, 'luy_KE' => true, 'luy' => true, 'lv_LV' => true, 'lv' => true, 'mas_KE' => true, 'mas_TZ' => true, 'mas' => true, 'mer_KE' => true, 'mer' => true, 'mfe_MU' => true, 'mfe' => true, 'mg_MG' => true, 'mg' => true, 'mgh_MZ' => true, 'mgh' => true, 'mgo_CM' => true, 'mgo' => true, 'mk_MK' => true, 'mk' => true, 'ml_IN' => true, 'ml' => true, 'mn_MN' => true, 'mn' => true, 'mr_IN' => true, 'mr' => true, 'ms_BN' => true, 'ms_MY' => true, 'ms_SG' => true, 'ms' => true, 'mt_MT' => true, 'mt' => true, 'mua_CM' => true, 'mua' => true, 'my_MM' => true, 'my' => true, 'naq_NA' => true, 'naq' => true, 'nb_NO' => true, 'nb' => true, 'nd_ZW' => true, 'nd' => true, 'ne_IN' => true, 'ne_NP' => true, 'ne' => true, 'nl_AW' => true, 'nl_BE' => true, 'nl_CW' => true, 'nl_NL' => true, 'nl_SR' => true, 'nl_SX' => true, 'nl' => true, 'nmg_CM' => true, 'nmg' => true, 'nn_NO' => true, 'nn' => true, 'nnh_CM' => true, 'nnh' => true, 'nr_ZA' => true, 'nr' => true, 'nso_ZA' => true, 'nso' => true, 'nus_SD' => true, 'nus' => true, 'nyn_UG' => true, 'nyn' => true, 'om_ET' => true, 'om_KE' => true, 'om' => true, 'or_IN' => true, 'or' => true, 'os_GE' => true, 'os_RU' => true, 'os' => true, 'pa_IN' => true, 'pa_PK' => true, 'pa' => true, 'pl_PL' => true, 'pl' => true, 'ps_AF' => true, 'ps' => true, 'pt_AO' => true, 'pt_BR' => true, 'pt_CV' => true, 'pt_GW' => true, 'pt_MO' => true, 'pt_MZ' => true, 'pt_PT' => true, 'pt_ST' => true, 'pt_TL' => true, 'pt' => true, 'rm_CH' => true, 'rm' => true, 'rn_BI' => true, 'rn' => true, 'ro_MD' => true, 'ro_RO' => true, 'ro' => true, 'rof_TZ' => true, 'rof' => true, 'ru_BY' => true, 'ru_KG' => true, 'ru_KZ' => true, 'ru_MD' => true, 'ru_RU' => true, 'ru_UA' => true, 'ru' => true, 'rw_RW' => true, 'rw' => true, 'rwk_TZ' => true, 'rwk' => true, 'sah_RU' => true, 'sah' => true, 'saq_KE' => true, 'saq' => true, 'sbp_TZ' => true, 'sbp' => true, 'se_FI' => true, 'se_NO' => true, 'se' => true, 'seh_MZ' => true, 'seh' => true, 'ses__ML' => true, 'ses' => true, 'sg_CF' => true, 'sg' => true, 'shi_MA' => true, 'shi' => true, 'si_LK' => true, 'si' => true, 'sk_SK' => true, 'sk' => true, 'sl_SI' => true, 'sl' => true, 'sn_ZW' => true, 'sn' => true, 'so_DJ' => true, 'so_ET' => true, 'so_KE' => true, 'so_SO' => true, 'so' => true, 'sq_AL' => true, 'sq_MK' => true, 'sq_XK' => true, 'sq' => true, 'sr_BA' => true, 'sr_ME' => true, 'sr_RS' => true, 'sr_XK' => true, 'sr' => true, 'ss_SZ' => true, 'ss_ZA' => true, 'ss' => true, 'ssy_ER' => true, 'ssy' => true, 'st_LS' => true, 'st_ZA' => true, 'st' => true, 'sv_AX' => true, 'sv_FI' => true, 'sv_SE' => true, 'sv' => true, 'sw_KE' => true, 'sw_TZ' => true, 'sw_UG' => true, 'sw' => true, 'swc_CD' => true, 'swc' => true, 'ta_IN' => true, 'ta_LK' => true, 'ta_MY' => true, 'ta_SG' => true, 'ta' => true, 'te_IN' => true, 'te' => true, 'teo_KE' => true, 'teo_UG' => true, 'teo' => true, 'tg_TJ' => true, 'tg' => true, 'th_TH' => true, 'th' => true, 'ti_ER' => true, 'ti_ET' => true, 'ti' => true, 'tig_ER' => true, 'tig' => true, 'tn_BW' => true, 'tn_ZA' => true, 'tn' => true, 'to_TO' => true, 'to' => true, 'tr_CY' => true, 'tr_TR' => true, 'tr' => true, 'ts_ZA' => true, 'ts' => true, 'twq_NE' => true, 'twq' => true, 'tzm_MA' => true, 'tzm' => true, 'uk_UA' => true, 'uk' => true, 'ur_IN' => true, 'ur_PK' => true, 'ur' => true, 'uz_AF' => true, 'uz_UZ' => true, 'uz' => true, 'vai_LR' => true, 'vai' => true, 've_ZA' => true, 've' => true, 'vi_VN' => true, 'vi' => true, 'vo' => true, 'vun_TZ' => true, 'vun' => true, 'wae_CH' => true, 'wae' => true, 'wal_ET' => true, 'wal' => true, 'xh_ZA' => true, 'xh' => true, 'xog_UG' => true, 'xog' => true, 'yav_CM' => true, 'yav' => true, 'yo_NG' => true, 'yo' => true, 'zh_CN' => true, 'zh_HK' => true, 'zh_MO' => true, 'zh_SG' => true, 'zh_TW' => true, 'zh' => true, 'zu_ZA' => true, 'zu' => true)
array('root' => true, 'aa_DJ' => true, 'aa_ER' => true, 'aa_ET' => true, 'aa' => true, 'af_NA' => true, 'af_ZA' => true, 'af' => true, 'agq_CM' => true, 'agq' => true, 'ak_GH' => true, 'ak' => true, 'am_ET' => true, 'am' => true, 'ar_001' => true, 'ar_AE' => true, 'ar_BH' => true, 'ar_DJ' => true, 'ar_DZ' => true, 'ar_EG' => true, 'ar_EH' => true, 'ar_ER' => true, 'ar_IL' => true, 'ar_IQ' => true, 'ar_JO' => true, 'ar_KM' => true, 'ar_KW' => true, 'ar_LB' => true, 'ar_LY' => true, 'ar_MA' => true, 'ar_MR' => true, 'ar_OM' => true, 'ar_PS' => true, 'ar_QA' => true, 'ar_SA' => true, 'ar_SD' => true, 'ar_SO' => true, 'ar_SY' => true, 'ar_TD' => true, 'ar_TN' => true, 'ar_YE' => true, 'ar' => true, 'as_IN' => true, 'as' => true, 'asa_TZ' => true, 'asa' => true, 'ast_ES' => true, 'ast' => true, 'az_AZ' => true, 'az' => true, 'bas_CM' => true, 'bas' => true, 'be_BY' => true, 'be' => true, 'bem_ZM' => true, 'bem' => true, 'bez_TZ' => true, 'bez' => true, 'bg_BG' => true, 'bg' => true, 'bm_ML' => true, 'bm' => true, 'bn_BD' => true, 'bn_IN' => true, 'bn' => true, 'bo_CN' => true, 'bo_IN' => true, 'bo' => true, 'br_FR' => true, 'br' => true, 'brx_IN' => true, 'brx' => true, 'bs_BA' => true, 'bs' => true, 'byn_ER' => true, 'byn' => true, 'ca_AD' => true, 'ca_ES' => true, 'ca' => true, 'cgg_UG' => true, 'cgg' => true, 'chr_US' => true, 'chr' => true, 'cs_CZ' => true, 'cs' => true, 'cy_GB' => true, 'cy' => true, 'da_DK' => true, 'da' => true, 'dav_KE' => true, 'dav' => true, 'de_AT' => true, 'de_BE' => true, 'de_CH' => true, 'de_DE' => true, 'de_LI' => true, 'de_LU' => true, 'de' => true, 'dje_NE' => true, 'dje' => true, 'dua_CM' => true, 'dua' => true, 'dyo_SN' => true, 'dyo' => true, 'dz_BT' => true, 'dz' => true, 'ebu_KE' => true, 'ebu' => true, 'ee_GH' => true, 'ee_TG' => true, 'ee' => true, 'el_CY' => true, 'el_GR' => true, 'el' => true, 'en_150' => true, 'en_AG' => true, 'en_AS' => true, 'en_AU' => true, 'en_BB' => true, 'en_BE' => true, 'en_BM' => true, 'en_BS' => true, 'en_BW' => true, 'en_BZ' => true, 'en_CA' => true, 'en_CM' => true, 'en_DM' => true, 'en_FJ' => true, 'en_FM' => true, 'en_GB' => true, 'en_GD' => true, 'en_GG' => true, 'en_GH' => true, 'en_GI' => true, 'en_GM' => true, 'en_GU' => true, 'en_GY' => true, 'en_HK' => true, 'en_IE' => true, 'en_IM' => true, 'en_IN' => true, 'en_JE' => true, 'en_JM' => true, 'en_KE' => true, 'en_KI' => true, 'en_KN' => true, 'en_KY' => true, 'en_LC' => true, 'en_LR' => true, 'en_LS' => true, 'en_MG' => true, 'en_MH' => true, 'en_MP' => true, 'en_MT' => true, 'en_MU' => true, 'en_MW' => true, 'en_NA' => true, 'en_NG' => true, 'en_NZ' => true, 'en_PG' => true, 'en_PH' => true, 'en_PK' => true, 'en_PR' => true, 'en_PW' => true, 'en_SB' => true, 'en_SC' => true, 'en_SG' => true, 'en_SL' => true, 'en_SS' => true, 'en_SZ' => true, 'en_TC' => true, 'en_TO' => true, 'en_TT' => true, 'en_TZ' => true, 'en_UG' => true, 'en_UM' => true, 'en_US' => true, 'en_VC' => true, 'en_VG' => true, 'en_VI' => true, 'en_VU' => true, 'en_WS' => true, 'en_ZA' => true, 'en_ZM' => true, 'en_ZW' => true, 'en' => true, 'eo' => true, 'es_419' => true, 'es_AR' => true, 'es_BO' => true, 'es_CL' => true, 'es_CO' => true, 'es_CR' => true, 'es_CU' => true, 'es_DO' => true, 'es_EA' => true, 'es_EC' => true, 'es_ES' => true, 'es_GQ' => true, 'es_GT' => true, 'es_HN' => true, 'es_IC' => true, 'es_MX' => true, 'es_NI' => true, 'es_PA' => true, 'es_PE' => true, 'es_PH' => true, 'es_PR' => true, 'es_PY' => true, 'es_SV' => true, 'es_US' => true, 'es_UY' => true, 'es_VE' => true, 'es' => true, 'et_EE' => true, 'et' => true, 'eu_ES' => true, 'eu' => true, 'ewo_CM' => true, 'ewo' => true, 'fa_AF' => true, 'fa_IR' => true, 'fa' => true, 'ff_SN' => true, 'ff' => true, 'fi_FI' => true, 'fi' => true, 'fil_PH' => true, 'fil' => true, 'fo_FO' => true, 'fo' => true, 'fr_BE' => true, 'fr_BF' => true, 'fr_BI' => true, 'fr_BJ' => true, 'fr_BL' => true, 'fr_CA' => true, 'fr_CD' => true, 'fr_CF' => true, 'fr_CG' => true, 'fr_CH' => true, 'fr_CI' => true, 'fr_CM' => true, 'fr_DJ' => true, 'fr_DZ' => true, 'fr_FR' => true, 'fr_GA' => true, 'fr_GF' => true, 'fr_GN' => true, 'fr_GP' => true, 'fr_GQ' => true, 'fr_HT' => true, 'fr_KM' => true, 'fr_LU' => true, 'fr_MA' => true, 'fr_MC' => true, 'fr_MF' => true, 'fr_MG' => true, 'fr_ML' => true, 'fr_MQ' => true, 'fr_MR' => true, 'fr_MU' => true, 'fr_NC' => true, 'fr_NE' => true, 'fr_PF' => true, 'fr_RE' => true, 'fr_RW' => true, 'fr_SC' => true, 'fr_SN' => true, 'fr_SY' => true, 'fr_TD' => true, 'fr_TG' => true, 'fr_TN' => true, 'fr_VU' => true, 'fr_YT' => true, 'fr' => true, 'fur_IT' => true, 'fur' => true, 'ga_IE' => true, 'ga' => true, 'gd_GB' => true, 'gd' => true, 'gl_ES' => true, 'gl' => true, 'gsw_CH' => true, 'gsw' => true, 'gu_IN' => true, 'gu' => true, 'guz_KE' => true, 'guz' => true, 'gv' => true, 'ha_GH' => true, 'ha_NE' => true, 'ha_NG' => true, 'ha' => true, 'haw_US' => true, 'haw' => true, 'he_IL' => true, 'he' => true, 'hi_IN' => true, 'hi' => true, 'hr_BA' => true, 'hr_HR' => true, 'hr' => true, 'hu_HU' => true, 'hu' => true, 'hy_AM' => true, 'hy' => true, 'ia_FR' => true, 'ia' => true, 'id_ID' => true, 'id' => true, 'ig_NG' => true, 'ig' => true, 'ii_CN' => true, 'ii' => true, 'is_IS' => true, 'is' => true, 'it_CH' => true, 'it_IT' => true, 'it_SM' => true, 'it' => true, 'ja_JP' => true, 'ja' => true, 'jgo_CM' => true, 'jgo' => true, 'jmc_TZ' => true, 'jmc' => true, 'ka_GE' => true, 'ka' => true, 'kab_DZ' => true, 'kab' => true, 'kam_KE' => true, 'kam' => true, 'kde_TZ' => true, 'kde' => true, 'kea_CV' => true, 'kea' => true, 'khq_ML' => true, 'khq' => true, 'ki_KE' => true, 'ki' => true, 'kk_KZ' => true, 'kk' => true, 'kkj_CM' => true, 'kkj' => true, 'kl_GL' => true, 'kl' => true, 'kln_KE' => true, 'kln' => true, 'km_KH' => true, 'km' => true, 'kn_IN' => true, 'kn' => true, 'ko_KP' => true, 'ko_KR' => true, 'ko' => true, 'kok_IN' => true, 'kok' => true, 'ks_IN' => true, 'ks' => true, 'ksb_TZ' => true, 'ksb' => true, 'ksf_CM' => true, 'ksf' => true, 'ksh_DE' => true, 'ksh' => true, 'kw_GB' => true, 'kw' => true, 'ky' => true, 'lag_TZ' => true, 'lag' => true, 'lg_UG' => true, 'lg' => true, 'ln_AO' => true, 'ln_CD' => true, 'ln_CF' => true, 'ln_CG' => true, 'ln' => true, 'lo_LA' => true, 'lo' => true, 'lt_LT' => true, 'lt' => true, 'lu_CD' => true, 'lu' => true, 'luo_KE' => true, 'luo' => true, 'luy_KE' => true, 'luy' => true, 'lv_LV' => true, 'lv' => true, 'mas_KE' => true, 'mas_TZ' => true, 'mas' => true, 'mer_KE' => true, 'mer' => true, 'mfe_MU' => true, 'mfe' => true, 'mg_MG' => true, 'mg' => true, 'mgh_MZ' => true, 'mgh' => true, 'mgo_CM' => true, 'mgo' => true, 'mk_MK' => true, 'mk' => true, 'ml_IN' => true, 'ml' => true, 'mn_MN' => true, 'mn' => true, 'mr_IN' => true, 'mr' => true, 'ms_BN' => true, 'ms_MY' => true, 'ms_SG' => true, 'ms' => true, 'mt_MT' => true, 'mt' => true, 'mua_CM' => true, 'mua' => true, 'my_MM' => true, 'my' => true, 'naq_NA' => true, 'naq' => true, 'nb_NO' => true, 'nb' => true, 'nd_ZW' => true, 'nd' => true, 'ne_IN' => true, 'ne_NP' => true, 'ne' => true, 'nl_AW' => true, 'nl_BE' => true, 'nl_CW' => true, 'nl_NL' => true, 'nl_SR' => true, 'nl_SX' => true, 'nl' => true, 'nmg_CM' => true, 'nmg' => true, 'nn_NO' => true, 'nn' => true, 'nnh_CM' => true, 'nnh' => true, 'nr_ZA' => true, 'nr' => true, 'nso_ZA' => true, 'nso' => true, 'nus_SD' => true, 'nus' => true, 'nyn_UG' => true, 'nyn' => true, 'om_ET' => true, 'om_KE' => true, 'om' => true, 'or_IN' => true, 'or' => true, 'os_GE' => true, 'os_RU' => true, 'os' => true, 'pa_IN' => true, 'pa_PK' => true, 'pa' => true, 'pl_PL' => true, 'pl' => true, 'ps_AF' => true, 'ps' => true, 'pt_AO' => true, 'pt_BR' => true, 'pt_CV' => true, 'pt_GW' => true, 'pt_MO' => true, 'pt_MZ' => true, 'pt_PT' => true, 'pt_ST' => true, 'pt_TL' => true, 'pt' => true, 'rm_CH' => true, 'rm' => true, 'rn_BI' => true, 'rn' => true, 'ro_MD' => true, 'ro_RO' => true, 'ro' => true, 'rof_TZ' => true, 'rof' => true, 'ru_BY' => true, 'ru_KG' => true, 'ru_KZ' => true, 'ru_MD' => true, 'ru_RU' => true, 'ru_UA' => true, 'ru' => true, 'rw_RW' => true, 'rw' => true, 'rwk_TZ' => true, 'rwk' => true, 'sah_RU' => true, 'sah' => true, 'saq_KE' => true, 'saq' => true, 'sbp_TZ' => true, 'sbp' => true, 'se_FI' => true, 'se_NO' => true, 'se' => true, 'seh_MZ' => true, 'seh' => true, 'ses__ML' => true, 'ses' => true, 'sg_CF' => true, 'sg' => true, 'shi_MA' => true, 'shi' => true, 'si_LK' => true, 'si' => true, 'sk_SK' => true, 'sk' => true, 'sl_SI' => true, 'sl' => true, 'sn_ZW' => true, 'sn' => true, 'so_DJ' => true, 'so_ET' => true, 'so_KE' => true, 'so_SO' => true, 'so' => true, 'sq_AL' => true, 'sq_MK' => true, 'sq_XK' => true, 'sq' => true, 'sr_BA' => true, 'sr_ME' => true, 'sr_RS' => true, 'sr_XK' => true, 'sr' => true, 'ss_SZ' => true, 'ss_ZA' => true, 'ss' => true, 'ssy_ER' => true, 'ssy' => true, 'st_LS' => true, 'st_ZA' => true, 'st' => true, 'sv_AX' => true, 'sv_FI' => true, 'sv_SE' => true, 'sv' => true, 'sw_KE' => true, 'sw_TZ' => true, 'sw_UG' => true, 'sw' => true, 'swc_CD' => true, 'swc' => true, 'ta_IN' => true, 'ta_LK' => true, 'ta_MY' => true, 'ta_SG' => true, 'ta' => true, 'te_IN' => true, 'te' => true, 'teo_KE' => true, 'teo_UG' => true, 'teo' => true, 'tg_TJ' => true, 'tg' => true, 'th_TH' => true, 'th' => true, 'ti_ER' => true, 'ti_ET' => true, 'ti' => true, 'tig_ER' => true, 'tig' => true, 'tn_BW' => true, 'tn_ZA' => true, 'tn' => true, 'to_TO' => true, 'to' => true, 'tr_CY' => true, 'tr_TR' => true, 'tr' => true, 'ts_ZA' => true, 'ts' => true, 'twq_NE' => true, 'twq' => true, 'tzm_MA' => true, 'tzm' => true, 'uk_UA' => true, 'uk' => true, 'ur_IN' => true, 'ur_PK' => true, 'ur' => true, 'uz_AF' => true, 'uz_UZ' => true, 'uz' => true, 'vai_LR' => true, 'vai' => true, 've_ZA' => true, 've' => true, 'vi_VN' => true, 'vi' => true, 'vo' => true, 'vun_TZ' => true, 'vun' => true, 'wae_CH' => true, 'wae' => true, 'wal_ET' => true, 'wal' => true, 'xh_ZA' => true, 'xh' => true, 'xog_UG' => true, 'xog' => true, 'yav_CM' => true, 'yav' => true, 'yo_NG' => true, 'yo' => true, 'zh_CN' => true, 'zh_HK' => true, 'zh_MO' => true, 'zh_SG' => true, 'zh_TW' => true, 'zh' => true, 'zu_ZA' => true, 'zu' => true)
Details- Type
- array

array $_territoryData = array('AD' => 'ca_AD', 'AE' => 'ar_AE', 'AF' => 'fa_AF', 'AG' => 'en_AG', 'AI' => 'en_AI', 'AL' => 'sq_AL', 'AM' => 'hy_AM', 'AN' => 'pap_AN', 'AO' => 'pt_AO', 'AQ' => 'und_AQ', 'AR' => 'es_AR', 'AS' => 'sm_AS', 'AT' => 'de_AT', 'AU' => 'en_AU', 'AW' => 'nl_AW', 'AX' => 'sv_AX', 'AZ' => 'az_Latn_AZ', 'BA' => 'bs_BA', 'BB' => 'en_BB', 'BD' => 'bn_BD', 'BE' => 'nl_BE', 'BF' => 'mos_BF', 'BG' => 'bg_BG', 'BH' => 'ar_BH', 'BI' => 'rn_BI', 'BJ' => 'fr_BJ', 'BL' => 'fr_BL', 'BM' => 'en_BM', 'BN' => 'ms_BN', 'BO' => 'es_BO', 'BR' => 'pt_BR', 'BS' => 'en_BS', 'BT' => 'dz_BT', 'BV' => 'und_BV', 'BW' => 'en_BW', 'BY' => 'be_BY', 'BZ' => 'en_BZ', 'CA' => 'en_CA', 'CC' => 'ms_CC', 'CD' => 'sw_CD', 'CF' => 'fr_CF', 'CG' => 'fr_CG', 'CH' => 'de_CH', 'CI' => 'fr_CI', 'CK' => 'en_CK', 'CL' => 'es_CL', 'CM' => 'fr_CM', 'CN' => 'zh_Hans_CN', 'CO' => 'es_CO', 'CR' => 'es_CR', 'CU' => 'es_CU', 'CV' => 'kea_CV', 'CX' => 'en_CX', 'CY' => 'el_CY', 'CZ' => 'cs_CZ', 'DE' => 'de_DE', 'DJ' => 'aa_DJ', 'DK' => 'da_DK', 'DM' => 'en_DM', 'DO' => 'es_DO', 'DZ' => 'ar_DZ', 'EC' => 'es_EC', 'EE' => 'et_EE', 'EG' => 'ar_EG', 'EH' => 'ar_EH', 'ER' => 'ti_ER', 'ES' => 'es_ES', 'ET' => 'en_ET', 'FI' => 'fi_FI', 'FJ' => 'hi_FJ', 'FK' => 'en_FK', 'FM' => 'chk_FM', 'FO' => 'fo_FO', 'FR' => 'fr_FR', 'GA' => 'fr_GA', 'GB' => 'en_GB', 'GD' => 'en_GD', 'GE' => 'ka_GE', 'GF' => 'fr_GF', 'GG' => 'en_GG', 'GH' => 'ak_GH', 'GI' => 'en_GI', 'GL' => 'iu_GL', 'GM' => 'en_GM', 'GN' => 'fr_GN', 'GP' => 'fr_GP', 'GQ' => 'fan_GQ', 'GR' => 'el_GR', 'GS' => 'und_GS', 'GT' => 'es_GT', 'GU' => 'en_GU', 'GW' => 'pt_GW', 'GY' => 'en_GY', 'HK' => 'zh_Hant_HK', 'HM' => 'und_HM', 'HN' => 'es_HN', 'HR' => 'hr_HR', 'HT' => 'ht_HT', 'HU' => 'hu_HU', 'ID' => 'id_ID', 'IE' => 'en_IE', 'IL' => 'he_IL', 'IM' => 'en_IM', 'IN' => 'hi_IN', 'IO' => 'und_IO', 'IQ' => 'ar_IQ', 'IR' => 'fa_IR', 'IS' => 'is_IS', 'IT' => 'it_IT', 'JE' => 'en_JE', 'JM' => 'en_JM', 'JO' => 'ar_JO', 'JP' => 'ja_JP', 'KE' => 'en_KE', 'KG' => 'ky_Cyrl_KG', 'KH' => 'km_KH', 'KI' => 'en_KI', 'KM' => 'ar_KM', 'KN' => 'en_KN', 'KP' => 'ko_KP', 'KR' => 'ko_KR', 'KW' => 'ar_KW', 'KY' => 'en_KY', 'KZ' => 'ru_KZ', 'LA' => 'lo_LA', 'LB' => 'ar_LB', 'LC' => 'en_LC', 'LI' => 'de_LI', 'LK' => 'si_LK', 'LR' => 'en_LR', 'LS' => 'st_LS', 'LT' => 'lt_LT', 'LU' => 'fr_LU', 'LV' => 'lv_LV', 'LY' => 'ar_LY', 'MA' => 'ar_MA', 'MC' => 'fr_MC', 'MD' => 'ro_MD', 'ME' => 'sr_Latn_ME', 'MF' => 'fr_MF', 'MG' => 'mg_MG', 'MH' => 'mh_MH', 'MK' => 'mk_MK', 'ML' => 'bm_ML', 'MM' => 'my_MM', 'MN' => 'mn_Cyrl_MN', 'MO' => 'zh_Hant_MO', 'MP' => 'en_MP', 'MQ' => 'fr_MQ', 'MR' => 'ar_MR', 'MS' => 'en_MS', 'MT' => 'mt_MT', 'MU' => 'mfe_MU', 'MV' => 'dv_MV', 'MW' => 'ny_MW', 'MX' => 'es_MX', 'MY' => 'ms_MY', 'MZ' => 'pt_MZ', 'NA' => 'kj_NA', 'NC' => 'fr_NC', 'NE' => 'ha_Latn_NE', 'NF' => 'en_NF', 'NG' => 'en_NG', 'NI' => 'es_NI', 'NL' => 'nl_NL', 'NO' => 'nb_NO', 'NP' => 'ne_NP', 'NR' => 'en_NR', 'NU' => 'niu_NU', 'NZ' => 'en_NZ', 'OM' => 'ar_OM', 'PA' => 'es_PA', 'PE' => 'es_PE', 'PF' => 'fr_PF', 'PG' => 'tpi_PG', 'PH' => 'fil_PH', 'PK' => 'ur_PK', 'PL' => 'pl_PL', 'PM' => 'fr_PM', 'PN' => 'en_PN', 'PR' => 'es_PR', 'PS' => 'ar_PS', 'PT' => 'pt_PT', 'PW' => 'pau_PW', 'PY' => 'gn_PY', 'QA' => 'ar_QA', 'RE' => 'fr_RE', 'RO' => 'ro_RO', 'RS' => 'sr_Cyrl_RS', 'RU' => 'ru_RU', 'RW' => 'rw_RW', 'SA' => 'ar_SA', 'SB' => 'en_SB', 'SC' => 'crs_SC', 'SD' => 'ar_SD', 'SE' => 'sv_SE', 'SG' => 'en_SG', 'SH' => 'en_SH', 'SI' => 'sl_SI', 'SJ' => 'nb_SJ', 'SK' => 'sk_SK', 'SL' => 'kri_SL', 'SM' => 'it_SM', 'SN' => 'fr_SN', 'SO' => 'sw_SO', 'SR' => 'srn_SR', 'ST' => 'pt_ST', 'SV' => 'es_SV', 'SY' => 'ar_SY', 'SZ' => 'en_SZ', 'TC' => 'en_TC', 'TD' => 'fr_TD', 'TF' => 'und_TF', 'TG' => 'fr_TG', 'TH' => 'th_TH', 'TJ' => 'tg_Cyrl_TJ', 'TK' => 'tkl_TK', 'TL' => 'pt_TL', 'TM' => 'tk_TM', 'TN' => 'ar_TN', 'TO' => 'to_TO', 'TR' => 'tr_TR', 'TT' => 'en_TT', 'TV' => 'tvl_TV', 'TW' => 'zh_Hant_TW', 'TZ' => 'sw_TZ', 'UA' => 'uk_UA', 'UG' => 'sw_UG', 'UM' => 'en_UM', 'US' => 'en_US', 'UY' => 'es_UY', 'UZ' => 'uz_Cyrl_UZ', 'VA' => 'it_VA', 'VC' => 'en_VC', 'VE' => 'es_VE', 'VG' => 'en_VG', 'VI' => 'en_VI', 'VN' => 'vi_VN', 'VU' => 'bi_VU', 'WF' => 'wls_WF', 'WS' => 'sm_WS', 'YE' => 'ar_YE', 'YT' => 'swb_YT', 'ZA' => 'en_ZA', 'ZM' => 'en_ZM', 'ZW' => 'sn_ZW')
array('AD' => 'ca_AD', 'AE' => 'ar_AE', 'AF' => 'fa_AF', 'AG' => 'en_AG', 'AI' => 'en_AI', 'AL' => 'sq_AL', 'AM' => 'hy_AM', 'AN' => 'pap_AN', 'AO' => 'pt_AO', 'AQ' => 'und_AQ', 'AR' => 'es_AR', 'AS' => 'sm_AS', 'AT' => 'de_AT', 'AU' => 'en_AU', 'AW' => 'nl_AW', 'AX' => 'sv_AX', 'AZ' => 'az_Latn_AZ', 'BA' => 'bs_BA', 'BB' => 'en_BB', 'BD' => 'bn_BD', 'BE' => 'nl_BE', 'BF' => 'mos_BF', 'BG' => 'bg_BG', 'BH' => 'ar_BH', 'BI' => 'rn_BI', 'BJ' => 'fr_BJ', 'BL' => 'fr_BL', 'BM' => 'en_BM', 'BN' => 'ms_BN', 'BO' => 'es_BO', 'BR' => 'pt_BR', 'BS' => 'en_BS', 'BT' => 'dz_BT', 'BV' => 'und_BV', 'BW' => 'en_BW', 'BY' => 'be_BY', 'BZ' => 'en_BZ', 'CA' => 'en_CA', 'CC' => 'ms_CC', 'CD' => 'sw_CD', 'CF' => 'fr_CF', 'CG' => 'fr_CG', 'CH' => 'de_CH', 'CI' => 'fr_CI', 'CK' => 'en_CK', 'CL' => 'es_CL', 'CM' => 'fr_CM', 'CN' => 'zh_Hans_CN', 'CO' => 'es_CO', 'CR' => 'es_CR', 'CU' => 'es_CU', 'CV' => 'kea_CV', 'CX' => 'en_CX', 'CY' => 'el_CY', 'CZ' => 'cs_CZ', 'DE' => 'de_DE', 'DJ' => 'aa_DJ', 'DK' => 'da_DK', 'DM' => 'en_DM', 'DO' => 'es_DO', 'DZ' => 'ar_DZ', 'EC' => 'es_EC', 'EE' => 'et_EE', 'EG' => 'ar_EG', 'EH' => 'ar_EH', 'ER' => 'ti_ER', 'ES' => 'es_ES', 'ET' => 'en_ET', 'FI' => 'fi_FI', 'FJ' => 'hi_FJ', 'FK' => 'en_FK', 'FM' => 'chk_FM', 'FO' => 'fo_FO', 'FR' => 'fr_FR', 'GA' => 'fr_GA', 'GB' => 'en_GB', 'GD' => 'en_GD', 'GE' => 'ka_GE', 'GF' => 'fr_GF', 'GG' => 'en_GG', 'GH' => 'ak_GH', 'GI' => 'en_GI', 'GL' => 'iu_GL', 'GM' => 'en_GM', 'GN' => 'fr_GN', 'GP' => 'fr_GP', 'GQ' => 'fan_GQ', 'GR' => 'el_GR', 'GS' => 'und_GS', 'GT' => 'es_GT', 'GU' => 'en_GU', 'GW' => 'pt_GW', 'GY' => 'en_GY', 'HK' => 'zh_Hant_HK', 'HM' => 'und_HM', 'HN' => 'es_HN', 'HR' => 'hr_HR', 'HT' => 'ht_HT', 'HU' => 'hu_HU', 'ID' => 'id_ID', 'IE' => 'en_IE', 'IL' => 'he_IL', 'IM' => 'en_IM', 'IN' => 'hi_IN', 'IO' => 'und_IO', 'IQ' => 'ar_IQ', 'IR' => 'fa_IR', 'IS' => 'is_IS', 'IT' => 'it_IT', 'JE' => 'en_JE', 'JM' => 'en_JM', 'JO' => 'ar_JO', 'JP' => 'ja_JP', 'KE' => 'en_KE', 'KG' => 'ky_Cyrl_KG', 'KH' => 'km_KH', 'KI' => 'en_KI', 'KM' => 'ar_KM', 'KN' => 'en_KN', 'KP' => 'ko_KP', 'KR' => 'ko_KR', 'KW' => 'ar_KW', 'KY' => 'en_KY', 'KZ' => 'ru_KZ', 'LA' => 'lo_LA', 'LB' => 'ar_LB', 'LC' => 'en_LC', 'LI' => 'de_LI', 'LK' => 'si_LK', 'LR' => 'en_LR', 'LS' => 'st_LS', 'LT' => 'lt_LT', 'LU' => 'fr_LU', 'LV' => 'lv_LV', 'LY' => 'ar_LY', 'MA' => 'ar_MA', 'MC' => 'fr_MC', 'MD' => 'ro_MD', 'ME' => 'sr_Latn_ME', 'MF' => 'fr_MF', 'MG' => 'mg_MG', 'MH' => 'mh_MH', 'MK' => 'mk_MK', 'ML' => 'bm_ML', 'MM' => 'my_MM', 'MN' => 'mn_Cyrl_MN', 'MO' => 'zh_Hant_MO', 'MP' => 'en_MP', 'MQ' => 'fr_MQ', 'MR' => 'ar_MR', 'MS' => 'en_MS', 'MT' => 'mt_MT', 'MU' => 'mfe_MU', 'MV' => 'dv_MV', 'MW' => 'ny_MW', 'MX' => 'es_MX', 'MY' => 'ms_MY', 'MZ' => 'pt_MZ', 'NA' => 'kj_NA', 'NC' => 'fr_NC', 'NE' => 'ha_Latn_NE', 'NF' => 'en_NF', 'NG' => 'en_NG', 'NI' => 'es_NI', 'NL' => 'nl_NL', 'NO' => 'nb_NO', 'NP' => 'ne_NP', 'NR' => 'en_NR', 'NU' => 'niu_NU', 'NZ' => 'en_NZ', 'OM' => 'ar_OM', 'PA' => 'es_PA', 'PE' => 'es_PE', 'PF' => 'fr_PF', 'PG' => 'tpi_PG', 'PH' => 'fil_PH', 'PK' => 'ur_PK', 'PL' => 'pl_PL', 'PM' => 'fr_PM', 'PN' => 'en_PN', 'PR' => 'es_PR', 'PS' => 'ar_PS', 'PT' => 'pt_PT', 'PW' => 'pau_PW', 'PY' => 'gn_PY', 'QA' => 'ar_QA', 'RE' => 'fr_RE', 'RO' => 'ro_RO', 'RS' => 'sr_Cyrl_RS', 'RU' => 'ru_RU', 'RW' => 'rw_RW', 'SA' => 'ar_SA', 'SB' => 'en_SB', 'SC' => 'crs_SC', 'SD' => 'ar_SD', 'SE' => 'sv_SE', 'SG' => 'en_SG', 'SH' => 'en_SH', 'SI' => 'sl_SI', 'SJ' => 'nb_SJ', 'SK' => 'sk_SK', 'SL' => 'kri_SL', 'SM' => 'it_SM', 'SN' => 'fr_SN', 'SO' => 'sw_SO', 'SR' => 'srn_SR', 'ST' => 'pt_ST', 'SV' => 'es_SV', 'SY' => 'ar_SY', 'SZ' => 'en_SZ', 'TC' => 'en_TC', 'TD' => 'fr_TD', 'TF' => 'und_TF', 'TG' => 'fr_TG', 'TH' => 'th_TH', 'TJ' => 'tg_Cyrl_TJ', 'TK' => 'tkl_TK', 'TL' => 'pt_TL', 'TM' => 'tk_TM', 'TN' => 'ar_TN', 'TO' => 'to_TO', 'TR' => 'tr_TR', 'TT' => 'en_TT', 'TV' => 'tvl_TV', 'TW' => 'zh_Hant_TW', 'TZ' => 'sw_TZ', 'UA' => 'uk_UA', 'UG' => 'sw_UG', 'UM' => 'en_UM', 'US' => 'en_US', 'UY' => 'es_UY', 'UZ' => 'uz_Cyrl_UZ', 'VA' => 'it_VA', 'VC' => 'en_VC', 'VE' => 'es_VE', 'VG' => 'en_VG', 'VI' => 'en_VI', 'VN' => 'vi_VN', 'VU' => 'bi_VU', 'WF' => 'wls_WF', 'WS' => 'sm_WS', 'YE' => 'ar_YE', 'YT' => 'swb_YT', 'ZA' => 'en_ZA', 'ZM' => 'en_ZM', 'ZW' => 'sn_ZW')
Details- Type
- array

__construct(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : void
Generates a locale object If no locale is given a automatic search is done Then the most probable locale will be automatically set Search order is 1. Given Locale 2. HTTP Client 3. Server Environment 4. Framework Standard
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for parsing input |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Locale_Exception | When autodetection has been failed |

__toString() : string
Returns a string representation of the object Alias for toString
Type | Description |
string |

_prepareLocale(string | \Zend_Locale $locale, boolean $strict = false) : string
Internal function, returns a single locale on detection
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale to work on |
$strict | boolean | (Optional) Strict preparation |
Type | Description |
string |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Locale_Exception | When no locale is set which is only possible when the class was wrong extended |

_prepareQuestionString(string $input) : string
Internal function for preparing the returned question regex string
Name | Type | Description |
$input | string | Regex to parse |
Type | Description |
string |

clearCache(string $tag = null) : void
Clears all set cache data
Name | Type | Description |
$tag | string | Tag to clear when the default tag name is not used |

disableCache(boolean $flag) : void
Disables the set cache
Name | Type | Description |
$flag | boolean | True disables any set cache, default is false |

equals(\Zend_Locale $object) : boolean
Returns true if both locales are equal
Name | Type | Description |
$object | \Zend_Locale | Locale to check for equality |
Type | Description |
boolean |

findLocale(string $locale = null) : string
Finds the proper locale based on the input Checks if it exists, degrades it when necessary Detects registry locale and when all fails tries to detect a automatic locale Returns the found locale as string
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string |
Type | Description |
string |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Locale_Exception | When the given locale is no locale or the autodetection fails |

getBrowser() : array
Return an array of all accepted languages of the client Expects RFC compilant Header !!
Type | Description |
array | - list of accepted languages including quality |

getCache() : \Zend_Cache_Core
Returns the set cache
Type | Description |
\Zend_Cache_Core | The set cache |

getCountryTranslation(string $value, string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns the localized country name
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string | Name to get detailed information about |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for country translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getCountryTranslationList(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns an array with the name of all countries translated to the given language
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for country translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getDefault() : array
Return the default locale
Type | Description |
array | Returns an array of all locale string |

getEnvironment() : array
Expects the Systems standard locale
Type | Description |
array |

getHttpCharset() : string
Return the accepted charset of the client
Type | Description |
string |

getLanguageTranslation(string $value, string $locale = null) : array
Returns the localized language name
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string | Name to get detailed information about |
$locale | string | (Optional) Locale for language translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getLanguageTranslationList(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns an array with the name of all languages translated to the given language
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for language translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getLocaleList() : array
Returns a list of all known locales where the locale is the key Only real locales are returned, the internal locales 'root', 'auto', 'browser' and 'environment' are suppressed
Type | Description |
array | List of all Locales |

getLocaleToTerritory(string $territory) : string | null
Returns the expected locale for a given territory
Name | Type | Description |
$territory | string | Territory for which the locale is being searched |
Type | Description |
string | null | Locale string or null when no locale has been found |

getOrder( $order = null) : array
Search the locale automatically and return all used locales ordered by quality
Name | Type | Description |
$order |
Type | Description |
array | Returns an array of all detected locales |

getQuestion(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns an array with translated yes strings
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for language translation (defaults to $this locale) |
Type | Description |
array |

getRegion() : string | false
Returns the region part of the locale if available
Type | Description |
string | false | - Regionstring |

getScriptTranslation(string $value, string $locale = null) : array
Returns the localized script name
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string | Name to get detailed information about |
$locale | string | (Optional) locale for script translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getScriptTranslationList(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns an array with the name of all scripts translated to the given language
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for script translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getTerritoryTranslation(string $value, string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns the localized territory name All territories contains other countries.
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string | Name to get detailed information about |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for territory translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getTerritoryTranslationList(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : array
Returns an array with the name of all territories translated to the given language All territories contains other countries.
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale for territory translation |
Type | Description |
array |
- Deprecated

getTranslation(string $value = null, string $path = null, string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : string | false
Returns a localized information string, supported are several types of informations.
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string | Name to get detailed information about |
$path | string | (Optional) Type of information to return |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale|Language for which this informations should be returned |
Type | Description |
string | false | The wished information in the given language |

getTranslationList(string $path = null, string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null, string $value = null) : array
Returns localized informations as array, supported are several types of informations.
Name | Type | Description |
$path | string | (Optional) Type of information to return |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) Locale|Language for which this informations should be returned |
$value | string | (Optional) Value for detail list |
Type | Description |
array | Array with the wished information in the given language |

isLocale(string | \Zend_Locale $locale, boolean $strict = false, boolean $compatible = true) : boolean
Checks if a locale identifier is a real locale or not Examples: "en_XX" refers to "en", which returns true "XX_yy" refers to "root", which returns false
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | Locale to check for |
$strict | boolean | (Optional) If true, no rerouting will be done when checking |
$compatible | boolean | (DEPRECATED) Only for internal usage, brakes compatibility mode |
Type | Description |
boolean | If the locale is known dependend on the settings |

setCache(\Zend_Cache_Core $cache) : void
Sets a cache
Name | Type | Description |
$cache | \Zend_Cache_Core | Cache to set |

setDefault(string | \Zend_Locale $locale, float $quality = 1) : void
Sets a new default locale which will be used when no locale can be detected If provided you can set a quality between 0 and 1 (or 2 and 100) which represents the percent of quality the browser requested within HTTP
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | Locale to set |
$quality | float | The quality to set from 0 to 1 |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Locale_Exception | When a autolocale was given |
\Zend_Locale_Exception | When a unknown locale was given |

setLocale(string | \Zend_Locale $locale = null) : void
Sets a new locale
Name | Type | Description |
$locale | string | \Zend_Locale | (Optional) New locale to set |