Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractDateTime
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 

Uses of AbstractDateTime in org.joda.time

Subclasses of AbstractDateTime in org.joda.time
 class DateMidnight
          Deprecated. The time of midnight does not exist in some time zones where the daylight saving time forward shift skips the midnight hour. Use LocalDate to represent a date without a time zone. Or use DateTime to represent a full date and time, perhaps using DateTime.withTimeAtStartOfDay() to get an instant at the start of a day.
 class DateTime
          DateTime is the standard implementation of an unmodifiable datetime class.
 class MutableDateTime
          MutableDateTime is the standard implementation of a modifiable datetime class.

Uses of AbstractDateTime in org.joda.time.base

Subclasses of AbstractDateTime in org.joda.time.base
 class BaseDateTime
          BaseDateTime is an abstract implementation of ReadableDateTime that stores data in long and Chronology fields.

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