Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReadablePartial
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 
org.joda.time.base Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. 
org.joda.time.chrono Package containing the chronology classes which define the calendar systems. 
org.joda.time.convert Implementation package providing conversion between date and time objects. 
org.joda.time.field Implementation package providing abstract and standard field classes. 
org.joda.time.format Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. 

Uses of ReadablePartial in org.joda.time

Classes in org.joda.time that implement ReadablePartial
 class LocalDate
          LocalDate is an immutable datetime class representing a date without a time zone.
 class LocalDateTime
          LocalDateTime is an unmodifiable datetime class representing a datetime without a time zone.
 class LocalTime
          LocalTime is an immutable time class representing a time without a time zone.
 class MonthDay
          MonthDay is an immutable partial supporting the monthOfYear and dayOfMonth fields.
 class Partial
          Partial is an immutable partial datetime supporting any set of datetime fields.
 class TimeOfDay
          Deprecated. Use LocalTime which has a much better internal implementation and has been available since 1.3
 class YearMonth
          YearMonth is an immutable partial supporting the year and monthOfYear fields.
 class YearMonthDay
          Deprecated. Use LocalDate which has a much better internal implementation and has been available since 1.3

Methods in org.joda.time that return ReadablePartial
protected  ReadablePartial YearMonthDay.Property.getReadablePartial()
          Deprecated. Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
protected  ReadablePartial YearMonth.Property.getReadablePartial()
          Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
protected  ReadablePartial TimeOfDay.Property.getReadablePartial()
          Deprecated. Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
protected  ReadablePartial Partial.Property.getReadablePartial()
          Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
protected  ReadablePartial MonthDay.Property.getReadablePartial()
          Gets the partial that this property belongs to.

Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type ReadablePartial
abstract  int[] DateTimeField.add(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Adds a value (which may be negative) to the partial instant, throwing an exception if the maximum size of the instant is reached.
abstract  int[] DateTimeField.addWrapField(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Adds a value (which may be negative) to the partial instant, wrapping within this field.
abstract  int[] DateTimeField.addWrapPartial(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Adds a value (which may be negative) to the partial instant, wrapping the whole partial if the maximum size of the partial is reached.
 int LocalTime.compareTo(ReadablePartial partial)
          Compares this partial with another returning an integer indicating the order.
 int LocalDateTime.compareTo(ReadablePartial partial)
          Compares this partial with another returning an integer indicating the order.
 int LocalDate.compareTo(ReadablePartial partial)
          Compares this partial with another returning an integer indicating the order.
static Days Days.daysBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Days representing the number of whole days between the two specified partial datetimes.
static Period Period.fieldDifference(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a period from two partially specified times, calculating by field difference.
abstract  int[] Chronology.get(ReadablePartial partial, long instant)
          Gets the values of a partial from an instant.
abstract  String DateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, short text value of this field from a partial instant.
abstract  String DateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, short text value of this field from a partial instant.
abstract  String DateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, text value of this field from a partial instant.
abstract  String DateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, text value of this field from a partial instant.
abstract  int DateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Get the maximum value for this field evaluated at the specified time.
abstract  int DateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Get the maximum value for this field using the partial instant and the specified values.
abstract  int DateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Get the minimum value for this field evaluated at the specified time.
abstract  int DateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Get the minimum value for this field using the partial instant and the specified values.
static Hours Hours.hoursBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Hours representing the number of whole hours between the two specified partial datetimes.
static boolean DateTimeUtils.isContiguous(ReadablePartial partial)
          Checks whether the partial is contiguous.
 boolean Partial.isMatch(ReadablePartial partial)
          Does this partial match the specified partial.
static Minutes Minutes.minutesBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Minutes representing the number of whole minutes between the two specified partial datetimes.
static Months Months.monthsBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Months representing the number of whole months between the two specified partial datetimes.
static Seconds Seconds.secondsBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Seconds representing the number of whole seconds between the two specified partial datetimes.
abstract  int[] DateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int newValue)
          Sets a value using the specified partial instant.
abstract  int[] DateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, String text, Locale locale)
          Sets a value in the milliseconds supplied from a human-readable, text value.
abstract  long Chronology.set(ReadablePartial partial, long instant)
          Sets the partial into the instant.
abstract  void Chronology.validate(ReadablePartial partial, int[] values)
          Validates whether the values are valid for the fields of a partial instant.
static Weeks Weeks.weeksBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Weeks representing the number of whole weeks between the two specified partial datetimes.
 LocalTime LocalTime.withFields(ReadablePartial partial)
          Returns a copy of this time with the partial set of fields replacing those from this instance.
 LocalDateTime LocalDateTime.withFields(ReadablePartial partial)
          Returns a copy of this datetime with the partial set of fields replacing those from this instance.
 LocalDate LocalDate.withFields(ReadablePartial partial)
          Returns a copy of this date with the partial set of fields replacing those from this instance.
 DateTime DateTime.withFields(ReadablePartial partial)
          Returns a copy of this datetime with the partial set of fields replacing those from this instance.
 DateMidnight DateMidnight.withFields(ReadablePartial partial)
          Deprecated. Returns a copy of this date with the partial set of fields replacing those from this instance.
static Years Years.yearsBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a Years representing the number of whole years between the two specified partial datetimes.

Constructors in org.joda.time with parameters of type ReadablePartial
Partial(ReadablePartial partial)
          Constructs a Partial by copying all the fields and types from another partial.
Period(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
          Creates a period from two partially specified times.
Period(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from two partially specified times.

Uses of ReadablePartial in org.joda.time.base

Classes in org.joda.time.base that implement ReadablePartial
 class AbstractPartial
          AbstractPartial provides a standard base implementation of most methods in the ReadablePartial interface.
 class BaseLocal
          BaseLocal is an abstract implementation of ReadablePartial that use a local milliseconds internal representation.
 class BasePartial
          BasePartial is an abstract implementation of ReadablePartial that stores data in array and Chronology fields.

Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type ReadablePartial
protected static int BaseSingleFieldPeriod.between(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, ReadablePeriod zeroInstance)
          Calculates the number of whole units between the two specified partial datetimes.
 int AbstractPartial.compareTo(ReadablePartial other)
          Compares this partial with another returning an integer indicating the order.
 boolean AbstractPartial.isAfter(ReadablePartial partial)
          Is this partial later than the specified partial.
 boolean AbstractPartial.isBefore(ReadablePartial partial)
          Is this partial earlier than the specified partial.
 boolean AbstractPartial.isEqual(ReadablePartial partial)
          Is this partial the same as the specified partial.

Constructors in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type ReadablePartial
BasePeriod(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.

Uses of ReadablePartial in org.joda.time.chrono

Methods in org.joda.time.chrono with parameters of type ReadablePartial
 int[] BaseChronology.get(ReadablePartial partial, long instant)
          Gets the values of a partial from an instant.
 long BaseChronology.set(ReadablePartial partial, long instant)
          Sets the partial into the instant.
 void BaseChronology.validate(ReadablePartial partial, int[] values)
          Validates whether the fields stored in a partial instant are valid.

Uses of ReadablePartial in org.joda.time.convert

Methods in org.joda.time.convert with parameters of type ReadablePartial
 int[] PartialConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] AbstractConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] PartialConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono, DateTimeFormatter parser)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.
 int[] AbstractConverter.getPartialValues(ReadablePartial fieldSource, Object object, Chronology chrono, DateTimeFormatter parser)
          Extracts the values of the partial from an object of this converter's type.

Uses of ReadablePartial in org.joda.time.field

Methods in org.joda.time.field that return ReadablePartial
protected abstract  ReadablePartial AbstractPartialFieldProperty.getReadablePartial()
          Gets the partial instant being used.

Methods in org.joda.time.field with parameters of type ReadablePartial
 int[] UnsupportedDateTimeField.add(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int[] DelegatedDateTimeField.add(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
 int[] BaseDateTimeField.add(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Adds a value (which may be negative) to the partial instant, throwing an exception if the maximum size of the instant is reached.
 int[] ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField.addWrapField(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
 int[] UnsupportedDateTimeField.addWrapField(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int[] DelegatedDateTimeField.addWrapField(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
 int[] BaseDateTimeField.addWrapField(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Adds a value (which may be negative) to the partial instant, wrapping within this field.
 int[] UnsupportedDateTimeField.addWrapPartial(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int[] DelegatedDateTimeField.addWrapPartial(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
 int[] BaseDateTimeField.addWrapPartial(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int valueToAdd)
          Adds a value (which may be negative) to the partial instant, wrapping the whole partial if the maximum size of the partial is reached.
 int AbstractReadableInstantFieldProperty.compareTo(ReadablePartial partial)
          Compare this field to the same field on another partial instant.
 int AbstractPartialFieldProperty.compareTo(ReadablePartial partial)
          Compare this field to the same field on another partial instant.
 String UnsupportedDateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 String DelegatedDateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
 String BaseDateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, short text value of this field from a partial instant.
 String UnsupportedDateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 String DelegatedDateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
 String BaseDateTimeField.getAsShortText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, short text value of this field from a partial instant.
 String UnsupportedDateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 String DelegatedDateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
 String BaseDateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldValue, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, text value of this field from a partial instant.
 String UnsupportedDateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 String DelegatedDateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
 String BaseDateTimeField.getAsText(ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Get the human-readable, text value of this field from a partial instant.
 int ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Get the maximum value for the field, which is one more than the wrapped field's maximum value.
 int UnsupportedDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int DelegatedDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
 int BaseDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Get the maximum value for this field evaluated at the specified instant.
 int ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Get the maximum value for the field, which is one more than the wrapped field's maximum value.
 int UnsupportedDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int DelegatedDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
 int BaseDateTimeField.getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Get the maximum value for this field using the partial instant and the specified values.
 int ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Always returns 1.
 int UnsupportedDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int DelegatedDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
 int BaseDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant)
          Get the minimum value for this field evaluated at the specified instant.
 int ZeroIsMaxDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Always returns 1.
 int UnsupportedDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int DelegatedDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
 int BaseDateTimeField.getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values)
          Get the minimum value for this field using the partial instant and the specified values.
 int[] UnsupportedDateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int newValue)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int[] DelegatedDateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int newValue)
 int[] BaseDateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial partial, int fieldIndex, int[] values, int newValue)
          Sets a value using the specified partial instant.
 int[] UnsupportedDateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, String text, Locale locale)
          Always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 int[] DelegatedDateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, String text, Locale locale)
 int[] BaseDateTimeField.set(ReadablePartial instant, int fieldIndex, int[] values, String text, Locale locale)
          Sets a value in the milliseconds supplied from a human-readable, text value.

Uses of ReadablePartial in org.joda.time.format

Methods in org.joda.time.format with parameters of type ReadablePartial
 String DateTimeFormatter.print(ReadablePartial partial)
          Prints a ReadablePartial to a new String.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(Appendable appendable, ReadablePartial partial)
          Prints a ReadablePartial.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(StringBuffer buf, ReadablePartial partial)
          Prints a ReadablePartial.
 void DateTimePrinter.printTo(StringBuffer buf, ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Prints a ReadablePartial.
 void DateTimeFormatter.printTo(Writer out, ReadablePartial partial)
          Prints a ReadablePartial.
 void DateTimePrinter.printTo(Writer out, ReadablePartial partial, Locale locale)
          Prints a ReadablePartial.

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