Uses of Class

Packages that use YearMonth
org.joda.time Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. 

Uses of YearMonth in org.joda.time

Methods in org.joda.time that return YearMonth
 YearMonth YearMonth.Property.addToCopy(int valueToAdd)
          Adds to the value of this field in a copy of this YearMonth.
 YearMonth YearMonth.Property.addWrapFieldToCopy(int valueToAdd)
          Adds to the value of this field in a copy of this YearMonth wrapping within this field if the maximum value is reached.
static YearMonth YearMonth.fromCalendarFields(Calendar calendar)
          Constructs a YearMonth from a java.util.Calendar using exactly the same field values avoiding any time zone effects.
static YearMonth YearMonth.fromDateFields(Date date)
          Constructs a YearMonth from a java.util.Date using exactly the same field values avoiding any time zone effects.
 YearMonth YearMonth.Property.getYearMonth()
          Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
 YearMonth YearMonth.minus(ReadablePeriod period)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period taken away.
 YearMonth YearMonth.minusMonths(int months)
          Returns a copy of this year-month minus the specified number of months.
 YearMonth YearMonth.minusYears(int years)
          Returns a copy of this year-month minus the specified number of years.
static YearMonth
          Obtains a YearMonth set to the current system millisecond time using ISOChronology in the default time zone.
static YearMonth chronology)
          Obtains a YearMonth set to the current system millisecond time using the specified chronology.
static YearMonth zone)
          Obtains a YearMonth set to the current system millisecond time using ISOChronology in the specified time zone.
static YearMonth YearMonth.parse(String str)
          Parses a YearMonth from the specified string.
static YearMonth YearMonth.parse(String str, DateTimeFormatter formatter)
          Parses a YearMonth from the specified string using a formatter.
 YearMonth period)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period added.
 YearMonth YearMonth.plusMonths(int months)
          Returns a copy of this year-month plus the specified number of months.
 YearMonth YearMonth.plusYears(int years)
          Returns a copy of this year-month plus the specified number of years.
 YearMonth YearMonth.Property.setCopy(int value)
          Sets this field in a copy of the YearMonth.
 YearMonth YearMonth.Property.setCopy(String text)
          Sets this field in a copy of the YearMonth to a parsed text value.
 YearMonth YearMonth.Property.setCopy(String text, Locale locale)
          Sets this field in a copy of the YearMonth to a parsed text value.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified chronology.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int value)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified field set to a new value.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the value of the specified field increased.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withMonthOfYear(int monthOfYear)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the month of year field updated.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withPeriodAdded(ReadablePeriod period, int scalar)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified period added.
 YearMonth YearMonth.withYear(int year)
          Returns a copy of this year-month with the year field updated.

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