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Android APIs
public class


extends BaseObj
   ↳ android.renderscript.BaseObj
     ↳ android.renderscript.Type

Class Overview

A Type describes the Element and dimensions used for an Allocation or a parallel operation. Types are created through Type.Builder.

A Type always includes an Element and an X dimension. A Type may be multidimensional, up to three dimensions. A nonzero value in the Y or Z dimensions indicates that the dimension is present. Note that a Type with only a given X dimension and a Type with the same X dimension but Y = 1 are not equivalent.

A Type also supports inclusion of level of detail (LOD) or cube map faces. LOD and cube map faces are booleans to indicate present or not present.

A Type also supports YUV format information to support an Allocation in a YUV format. The YUV formats supported are YV12, NV21, and YUV_420_888

Developer Guides

For more information about creating an application that uses RenderScript, read the RenderScript developer guide.


Nested Classes
class Type.Builder Builder class for Type. 
enum Type.CubemapFace  
Public Methods
int getCount()
Return the total number of accessable cells in the Type.
Element getElement()
Return the element associated with this Type.
int getX()
Return the value of the X dimension.
int getY()
Return the value of the Y dimension or 0 for a 1D allocation.
int getYuv()
Get the YUV format
int getZ()
Return the value of the Z dimension or 0 for a 1D or 2D allocation.
boolean hasFaces()
Return if the Type is a cube map.
boolean hasMipmaps()
Return if the Type has a mipmap chain.
Inherited Methods
From class android.renderscript.BaseObj
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public int getCount ()

Added in API level 11

Return the total number of accessable cells in the Type.

  • int

public Element getElement ()

Added in API level 11

Return the element associated with this Type.

  • Element

public int getX ()

Added in API level 11

Return the value of the X dimension.

  • int

public int getY ()

Added in API level 11

Return the value of the Y dimension or 0 for a 1D allocation.

  • int

public int getYuv ()

Added in API level 18

Get the YUV format

  • int

public int getZ ()

Added in API level 11

Return the value of the Z dimension or 0 for a 1D or 2D allocation.

  • int

public boolean hasFaces ()

Added in API level 11

Return if the Type is a cube map.

  • boolean

public boolean hasMipmaps ()

Added in API level 11

Return if the Type has a mipmap chain.

  • boolean