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Android APIs
public class


extends SQLException
implements Serializable
   ↳ java.lang.Throwable
     ↳ java.lang.Exception
       ↳ java.sql.SQLException
         ↳ java.sql.BatchUpdateException

Class Overview

This exception is thrown if a problem occurs during a batch update operation.

A BatchUpdateException provides additional information about the problem that occurred, compared with a standard SQLException. It supplies update counts for successful commands which were executed before the exception was encountered.

The element order in the array of update counts matches the order that the commands were added to the batch operation.

Once a batch update command fails and a BatchUpdateException is thrown, the JDBC driver may continue processing the remaining commands in the batch. If the driver does process more commands after the problem occurs, the array returned by BatchUpdateException.getUpdateCounts has an element for every command in the batch, not only those that executed successfully. In this case, the array element for any command which encountered a problem is set to Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED.


Public Constructors
Creates a default BatchUpdateException with the parameters reason, SQLState, and update counts set to null and the vendor code set to 0.
BatchUpdateException(Throwable cause)
Creates an BatchUpdateException object.
BatchUpdateException(int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)
Creates an BatchUpdateException object.
BatchUpdateException(String reason, int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)
Creates an BatchUpdateException object.
BatchUpdateException(String reason, String SQLState, int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)
Creates an BatchUpdateException object.
BatchUpdateException(String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode, int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)
Creates an BatchUpdateException object.
BatchUpdateException(int[] updateCounts)
Creates a BatchUpdateException with the updateCounts set to the supplied value.
BatchUpdateException(String reason, int[] updateCounts)
Creates a BatchUpdateException with the updateCounts and reason set to the supplied values.
BatchUpdateException(String reason, String SQLState, int[] updateCounts)
Creates a BatchUpdateException with the reason, SQLState and updateCounts set to the supplied values.
BatchUpdateException(String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode, int[] updateCounts)
Creates a BatchUpdateException for the case where all relevant information is provided.
Public Methods
int[] getUpdateCounts()
Gets the update count array giving status information for every command that was attempted in the batch.
Inherited Methods
From class java.sql.SQLException
From class java.lang.Throwable
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Iterable

Public Constructors

public BatchUpdateException ()

Added in API level 1

Creates a default BatchUpdateException with the parameters reason, SQLState, and update counts set to null and the vendor code set to 0.

public BatchUpdateException (Throwable cause)

Added in API level 9

Creates an BatchUpdateException object. The reason is set to null if cause == null otherwise to cause.toString(), and the cause Throwable object is set to the given cause Throwable object.

cause the Throwable object for the underlying reason this SQLException

public BatchUpdateException (int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)

Added in API level 9

Creates an BatchUpdateException object. The Reason string is set to the null if cause == null otherwise to cause.toString(), and the cause Throwable object is set to the given cause Throwable object. SQLState is initialized to null while vendorCode is zero.

cause the Throwable object for the underlying reason this SQLException

public BatchUpdateException (String reason, int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)

Added in API level 9

Creates an BatchUpdateException object. The cause Throwable object is set to the given cause Throwable object. SQLState is initialized to null while vendorCode is zero.

cause the Throwable object for the underlying reason this SQLException

public BatchUpdateException (String reason, String SQLState, int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)

Added in API level 9

Creates an BatchUpdateException object. The cause Throwable object is set to the given cause Throwable object and the updateCounts array set to the int array parameter. SQLState is initialized to null while vendorCode is zero.

cause the Throwable object for the underlying reason this SQLException

public BatchUpdateException (String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode, int[] updateCounts, Throwable cause)

Added in API level 9

Creates an BatchUpdateException object. The cause Throwable object is set to the given cause Throwable object and the updateCounts array set to the int array parameter. VendorCode is set to the given vendorCode. SQLState is initialized to null while vendorCode is zero.

cause the Throwable object for the underlying reason this SQLException

public BatchUpdateException (int[] updateCounts)

Added in API level 1

Creates a BatchUpdateException with the updateCounts set to the supplied value. All other fields are set to their default values.

updateCounts the array of updateCounts giving the number of successful updates (or another status code) for each command in the batch that was attempted.

public BatchUpdateException (String reason, int[] updateCounts)

Added in API level 1

Creates a BatchUpdateException with the updateCounts and reason set to the supplied values. All other fields are set to their default values.

reason the message providing information about the source of this exception.
updateCounts the array of updateCounts giving the number of successful updates (or another status code) for each command in the batch that was attempted.

public BatchUpdateException (String reason, String SQLState, int[] updateCounts)

Added in API level 1

Creates a BatchUpdateException with the reason, SQLState and updateCounts set to the supplied values. All other fields are set to their default values.

reason the message providing information about the source of this exception.
SQLState the X/OPEN value to use for the SQLState
updateCounts the array of updateCounts giving the number of successful updates (or another status code) for each command in the batch that was attempted.

public BatchUpdateException (String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode, int[] updateCounts)

Added in API level 1

Creates a BatchUpdateException for the case where all relevant information is provided.

reason the message providing information about the source of this exception.
SQLState the X/OPEN value to use for the SQLState.
vendorCode the value to use for the vendor error code.
updateCounts the array of updateCounts giving the number of successful updates (or another status code) for each command in the batch that was attempted.

Public Methods

public int[] getUpdateCounts ()

Added in API level 1

Gets the update count array giving status information for every command that was attempted in the batch.

If a batch update command fails and a BatchUpdateException is thrown, the JDBC driver may continue processing the remaining commands in the batch. If the driver does so, the array returned by BatchUpdateException.getUpdateCounts has an element for every command in the batch, not only those that executed successfully. In this case, the array element for any command which encountered a problem is set to Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED.

  • an array that contains the successful update counts, before this exception was thrown. Alternatively, if the driver continues to process commands following an error, for each successive command there is a corresponding element in the array giving one of the following status values:
    1. the number of successful updates
    2. Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO indicating that the command completed successfully, but the amount of altered rows is unknown.
    3. Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED indicating that the command was unsuccessful.