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Android APIs
public interface


implements Wrapper
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Provides information about the columns returned in a ResultSet.


int columnNoNulls Indicates that a column cannot contain NULL values.
int columnNullable Indicates that a column can contain NULL values.
int columnNullableUnknown Indicates that it is unknown whether a column can contain NULLs or not.
Public Methods
abstract String getCatalogName(int column)
Returns the title of an indexed column's catalog.
abstract String getColumnClassName(int column)
Returns the fully-qualified type of the class that is produced when invoking ResultSet.getObject to recover this column's value.
abstract int getColumnCount()
Returns number of columns contained in the associated result set.
abstract int getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
Returns the indexed column's standard maximum width, expressed in number of characters.
abstract String getColumnLabel(int column)
Returns a recommended title for the indexed column, to be used when the title needs to be displayed.
abstract String getColumnName(int column)
Returns the title of the indexed column.
abstract int getColumnType(int column)
Returns the type of the indexed column as SQL type code.
abstract String getColumnTypeName(int column)
Returns the type name of the indexed column.
abstract int getPrecision(int column)
Returns the decimal precision of the indexed column.
abstract int getScale(int column)
Returns the number of digits to the right of the decimal point of the indexed column.
abstract String getSchemaName(int column)
Returns the name of the indexed columns schema.
abstract String getTableName(int column)
Returns the title of the indexed columns table.
abstract boolean isAutoIncrement(int column)
Returns an indication of whether the indexed column is automatically incremented and is therefore read-only.
abstract boolean isCaseSensitive(int column)
Returns an indication of whether the case of the indexed column is important.
abstract boolean isCurrency(int column)
Returns whether the indexed column contains a monetary amount.
abstract boolean isDefinitelyWritable(int column)
Returns an indication of whether writing to the indexed column is guaranteed to be successful.
abstract int isNullable(int column)
Returns whether the indexed column is nullable.
abstract boolean isReadOnly(int column)
Returns an indication of whether writing to the indexed column is guaranteed to be unsuccessful.
abstract boolean isSearchable(int column)
Returns an indication of whether the indexed column is searchable.
abstract boolean isSigned(int column)
Returns an indication of whether the values contained in the indexed column are signed.
abstract boolean isWritable(int column)
Returns an indication of whether writing to the indexed column is possible.
Inherited Methods
From interface java.sql.Wrapper


public static final int columnNoNulls

Added in API level 1

Indicates that a column cannot contain NULL values.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int columnNullable

Added in API level 1

Indicates that a column can contain NULL values.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int columnNullableUnknown

Added in API level 1

Indicates that it is unknown whether a column can contain NULLs or not.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public Methods

public abstract String getCatalogName (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the title of an indexed column's catalog.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the catalog title.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract String getColumnClassName (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the fully-qualified type of the class that is produced when invoking ResultSet.getObject to recover this column's value.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the fully-qualified class name.
SQLException if there is a database error.
See Also

public abstract int getColumnCount ()

Added in API level 1

Returns number of columns contained in the associated result set.

  • the column count.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract int getColumnDisplaySize (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the indexed column's standard maximum width, expressed in number of characters.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the column's max width.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract String getColumnLabel (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns a recommended title for the indexed column, to be used when the title needs to be displayed.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the column's title.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract String getColumnName (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the title of the indexed column.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the column title.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract int getColumnType (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the type of the indexed column as SQL type code.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the column type code.
SQLException if there is a database error.
See Also

public abstract String getColumnTypeName (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the type name of the indexed column.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the type name.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract int getPrecision (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the decimal precision of the indexed column.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the precision.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract int getScale (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the number of digits to the right of the decimal point of the indexed column.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • number of decimal places.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract String getSchemaName (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the name of the indexed columns schema.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the name of the columns schema.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract String getTableName (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns the title of the indexed columns table.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • the table title.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isAutoIncrement (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether the indexed column is automatically incremented and is therefore read-only.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if it is automatically numbered, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isCaseSensitive (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether the case of the indexed column is important.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if case matters, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isCurrency (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns whether the indexed column contains a monetary amount.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if it is a monetary value, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isDefinitelyWritable (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether writing to the indexed column is guaranteed to be successful.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if the write is guaranteed, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract int isNullable (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns whether the indexed column is nullable.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if it is nullable, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isReadOnly (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether writing to the indexed column is guaranteed to be unsuccessful.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if the column is read-only, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isSearchable (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether the indexed column is searchable.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if the indexed column is searchable, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isSigned (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether the values contained in the indexed column are signed.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if they are signed, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.

public abstract boolean isWritable (int column)

Added in API level 1

Returns an indication of whether writing to the indexed column is possible.

column the column index, starting at 1.
  • true if it is possible to write, false otherwise.
SQLException if there is a database error.